DO711EE Ecumenism and Inter-religious Dialog

An introduction to the historical context and theology of the ecumenical movement. References will be made to the teaching of the Magisterium, significant achievements in ecumenical dialogue, prospects for future achievements, and the individual participant’s contributions to ecumenism. Exposure to the rich variety of Christian ecclesial communities and traditions and world religions will be included.

DO630CE Sacramental Theology

This course presents an overview of the sacraments study of the Roman Catholic Church. We will examine the scriptural foundations, the history and development, the rite, the sacramental signs, and the theology of each of the seven sacraments. There will be a distinct focus on how deacons can prepare others to receive the sacraments via…

DO620CE Christology

The Son of God became human while remaining divine. He suffered death on the cross to redeem humanity and rose from the dead in glory. The early Church divided over the question of who was and who is Jesus. The early Councils proclaimed doctrine held to this day, and the Church Fathers wrote cogently about…

DO410CE Introduction to Catholicism

The Introduction to Catholicism course presents students with a comprehensive overview of the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith. It offers students a theological foundation. As well as building on the basic tenets of the faith offered in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the course aims to empower students for future catechetical and ministerial…

BI905EE The Book of Revelation

Students develop an appreciation and understanding of the Book of Revelation by careful study of the text as Sacred Scripture. Homiletic considerations are a particular focus. The study of Revelation examines the pastoral challenges stemming from popular fundamentalist interpretations. Students also explore the impact of Revelation on worship, justice, and witness.