Certificate in Diaconal Studies

The Josephinum Diaconate Institute of the Pontifical College Josephinum awards certificates in Diaconal Studies to all students who have completed 24 or more credits in the institute.

Certificates are awarded annually at the end of the Spring semester.

The students who have been awarded the Certificate in Diaconal Studies are:

Awarded in 2020*
Student   Student
Mr. Steven Auchey Mr. James Lawson
Mr. Armand M. Auclair Mr. William Leavens
Mrs. Susan E. Auclair Mr. Christopher Livelsberger
Mr. Thomas Ballinger Mr. Patrick McCormack
Deacon Alphonse C. Bankard III Mr. Thomas E. McCormick
Mr. David Barto Mr. Michael McGovern
Mr. Shawn Biter Mr. Randy Mentzell
Mr. Alex Bogdanoff Deacon Mark Miller
Mr. Virgilio Centenera Mr. Jorge L. Nazario
Deacon Francis Chan  Mr. Samuel Nicola
Mr. Joseph Cingle Mr. Thomas R. Olsen
Mrs. Pamela L. Cingle Deacon Bryan Ott
Deacon Jerry B. Clark Mr. Thomas Owsinski
Mr. Chris Darrup Mr. Carlos Pichardo
Mr. Michael Derois Mr. Stephen Pichler
Deacon William Dunn  Mr. Henry J. Reese
Mr. Jules D. Edwards Mr. Chad Reigel
Mr. Brian Fabian Mr. Jorge Luis Reyes
Mr. George Flower Deacon David Robertson
Deacon Jay C. Frantz Mr. William Roesch
Mr. Carl B. Freidhoff Mr. Scott Root
Mr. Michael Frigge Mr. George Salzmann
Mr. Denis R. Gangloff Mrs. Susan E. Salzmann
Mrs. Jeanne Marie Gangloff Mr. Richard D. San Severino
Deacon William F. Glinka Mr. Richard Satriale
Mr. David Grady Deacon Mark Sciullo
Deacon Steven K. Gretencord Deacon David Shapiro
Mr. Joseph Gusherowski Mr. Daniel R. Signore, III
Mr. Thomas Hewitt Mr. Francis Skorija
Deacon Stephen Hilker Deacon Rob Thibodeau
Mr. Paul E. Kendall Mr. Armando Torres, Jr.
Deacon Guy A. Kilchrist Deacon Milton Vega
Mr. Michael J. Knowles Mr. Anthony Weaver, Jr.
Mr. James Koch Mr. Terry Willoughby, Jr.
Mr. Walter Kozlowski Mr. Robert Wislock
Mr. Frank Kuchinski

 * Certificates earned prior to 2020 were included in 2020 award group.