PA930EE Marriage Practicum

 This course focuses on developing skills that are essential to deacons in the pastoral setting of pre-marriage counseling and preparation: the ability to assess and summarize various information to the sacramental nature of marriage, and the capacity to develop a pastoral care approach to the couple’s vision of the wedding. Both challenges require deacons to…

PA920EE Marriage and Family

PA920EE Marriage and Family Upon completion of this course, the Deacon will be able to: Assist parishioners in pastoral needs of their marriages and families Using principles drawn from the Catholic Church’s teaching on marriage and family, assist parishioners in their growth and healing in marital and family relationships. Become familiar and comfortable with referring…

PA910EE Principles of Catechetics

Designed for deacons, lay ministers and volunteers who will be involved in planning and implementing faith formation for all ages and anyone interested in learning more about emerging models of catechesis. The course will provide a survey of emerging models and approaches to faith formation. The reading assignments and presentations will point to texts, journals,…

PA830CE Best Practices for Pastoral Administrators and Directors

This course provides parish administrators and those preparing for this function with a comprehensive and practical overview of the canonical, administrative, legal, and financial issues that may be encountered.  It provides a variety of relevant scenarios likely to present themselves to an administrator and does so in a practical context.  Some of the specific topics…

PA730CE Canon Law

This course has been developed specifically to address the canon law topics which most frequently arise in the ministry of deacons, based on numerous requests from officers and members of the National Association of Diaconate Directors, headquartered here at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus Ohio.  Canon Law plays an important part in every element…

PA620CE Introduction to Homiletics and Exegesis

PA620CE Introduction to Homiletics and Exegesis Course Format A twelve-week course consisting of on-line studies, on-line collaboration, weekly blog involvement. Course Description This course provides students with the foundations for Catholic preaching.  As a general introduction, we will examine contemporary magisterial teaching on homiletics while also affording students the opportunity to prepare homilies which will…