BI610CE The Synoptic Gospels and Acts of the Apostles: Introduction to the New Testament

This course is an introduction to the content and theology of the Synoptic Gospels and Luke’s sequel to his Gospel the Book of Acts. Special attention will be given to the art of theology and ministry to the Word of God paying attention to ways Matthew, Mark and Luke have constructed their gospels as a…

BI530CS Los Profetas

Los profetas cuentan la historia del Pueblo Elegido de Dios. Como voces de Dios, también sometieron a escrutinio las acciones de líderes y personas a la luz de la ley de Dios y emitieron advertencias sobre las consecuencias de la desobediencia. Se enfatizan los Profetas Mayores, el curso también cubrirá varios de los Profetas Menores…

BI530CE The Prophets

The prophets tell the story of God’s Chosen People.  As voices of God, they also held the actions of leaders and people up to scrutiny in light of God’s law and issued warnings about the consequences of disobedience.  The Major Prophets are emphasized, the course also will cover several of the Minor Prophets and the…