The Josephinum Diaconal Review

The JDR publishes essays and book reviews addressing a range of topics of interest to those in the Order of Deacons and diaconal ministry. The vision of the Institute positions the JDR as a significant resource for the formation of deacons and an essential component in the continuing formation for deacons. The Josephinum Diaconal Review is published in the Fall (October) and Spring (April). An annual subscription to the JDR includes two issues.

The JDR welcomes essays for publication. Please email your submission of 2,500 to 5,000 words. The JDR publication standards are available here.  Please send your essay in Microsoft Word format to

Deacon Michael Berstene, MS of the Diocese of Norwich CT is the Editor / Managing Editor.
Ella Johnson, PhD, St Ambrose University is the Book Review Editor  


In February 2014, the Board of Trustees of the Pontifical College Josephinum approved the acquisition of the New Diaconal Review by the Josephinum Diaconate Institute.  

The New Diaconal Review had been published in the United Kingdom for the past five years by the International Diaconate Centre – North European Circle.  Deacon Tony Schmitz of the Diocese of Aberdeen, Scotland, served as editor.  Beginning with the April 2015 issue, the journal has been renamed the Josephinum Diaconal Review (JDR). 

Deacon James Keating, a member of the faculty of the Institute for Priestly Formation at Creighton University in Omaha, NE was the editor for the first six issues, from 2014 to 2018.