PA620CE Introduction to Homiletics and Exegesis

PA620CE Introduction to Homiletics and Exegesis

Course Format

A twelve-week course consisting of on-line studies, on-line collaboration, weekly blog involvement.

Course Description

This course provides students with the foundations for Catholic preaching.  As a general introduction, we will examine contemporary magisterial teaching on homiletics while also affording students the opportunity to prepare homilies which will be shared among participants for feedback.  Particular emphasis will be given to the liturgical and sacramental context within which Catholic preaching takes place.

Goals of the Course

  • To begin to articulate a "theology of preaching," a "theology for preaching," and "theology from preaching."
  • To incorporate responsible methods of biblical interpretation for preaching.
  • To consider the relationship of homiletics to other Catholic theological and pastoral sources.
  • To situate the homily within its broader liturgical and sacramental context.

Learning Objectives

The course is designed to provide students with

  • better understanding of the foundations of Catholic preaching;
  • the opportunity to study official documents on Catholic preaching;
  • an understanding of how preaching fits within the symbolic discourse of Catholic ritual, liturgy and sacrament;
  • an understanding of the relationship between preaching, worship and Christian living.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Read and analyze major Catholic documents on preaching.
  • Prepare homilies through prayerful reflection and critical exegetical and pastoral application.


Course Syllabus

PA620CE Introduction to Homiletics

Course Format

A twelve-week course consisting of on-line studies, on-line collaboration, weekly blog involvement.

Course Description

This course provides students with the foundations for Catholic preaching.  As a general introduction, we will examine contemporary magisterial teaching on homiletics while also affording students the opportunity to prepare homilies which will be shared among participants for feedback.  Particular emphasis will be given to the liturgical and sacramental context within which Catholic preaching takes place.


Goals of the Course

  • To begin to articulate a "theology of preaching," a "theology for preaching," and "theology from preaching."
  • To incorporate responsible methods of biblical interpretation for preaching.
  • To consider the relationship of homiletics to other Catholic theological and pastoral sources.
  • To situate the homily within its broader liturgical and sacramental context.

Learning Objectives

The course is designed to provide students with

  • better understanding of the foundations of Catholic preaching;
  • the opportunity to study official documents on Catholic preaching;
  • an understanding of how preaching fits within the symbolic discourse of Catholic ritual, liturgy and sacrament;
  • an understanding of the relationship between preaching, worship and Christian living.


Learning Outcomes


Upon successful completion of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Read and analyze major Catholic documents on preaching.
  • Prepare homilies through prayerful reflection and critical exegetical and pastoral application.


Assessment and Evaluation

Student’s grade will be based on the completion of:

  • Participation in Class Discussions online (40%)
  • Recorded homilies (2-3 depending on the number of participants)(60%)


Required Texts:

Students should obtain the following texts for the course (all are available at no cost online):


o USCCB, Fulfilled in Your Hearing: The Homily in the Sunday Assembly   (available at


o USCCB, Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily (available at


o Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (available at



(OPTIONAL TEXT): Ryan, Sylvester and Deborah L. Wilhelm, Preaching Matters: A Praxis for Preachers (Chicago: Catholic Theological Union, 2015).  This is a very practical text you may want to obtain for your library.  It is OPTIONAL for this course, however.  Should you wish to obtain it, the text is available both in hard copy (through Amazon, for example) and e-book format.  For more information see
















Date Topic Resources/Notes
Module  1


Preaching Like the Pope




Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, ## 135-159


Module 2


US Bishops on Preaching, Part I



Fulfilled in Your Hearing (entire)

Module 3


US Bishops on Preaching, Part II Reading:

Preaching the Mystery of Faith (entire)


Module 4


Getting Ready: “Preaching, Preacher, Preached”


Reading (Optional):

Ryan and Wilhelm, 7-31; lecture will be based on this material, so the reading is recommended but not mandatory.  Focus for rest of the course will be on the actual preparation of homilies.


Module 5


Listening and Planning




Reading (Optional):

Ryan and Wilhelm, 34-50; lecture will be based on this material, so the reading is recommended but not mandatory.



Module 6




Reading (Optional):

Ryan and Wilhelm, 51-61; lecture will be based on this material, so the reading is recommended but not mandatory.


Module 7


Clarifying and Polishing


Reading (Optional):

Ryan and Wilhelm, 62-67; lecture will be based on this material, so the reading is recommended but not mandatory.


Module 8


Preaching and Evangelization, Part One Reading: None.  Work on homilies.
Module 9


Preaching and Evangelization, Part Two


Reading: None. Work on homilies.
Module  10


Homily #1: Service of the Word during the Week Select any weekday and prepare a 2-3 minute homily.  Context is a Service of the Word outside of Mass.  Upload to course site so it can be viewed by entire class for feedback.
Module  11


Homily #2: Homily during Sunday Mass in Ordinary Time



Select any Sunday in Ordinary Time (any cycle) and prepare an 8-10 minute homily.  You are the deacon of the Mass and homilist.  Upload to course site so it can be viewed by entire class for feedback.
Module 12


Homily #3: Homily during Sunday Mass during Lent Select any Sunday of Lent (any cycle) and prepare an 8-10 minute homily.  You are the deacon of the Mass and homilist.  Upload to course site so it can be viewed by entire class for feedback.


Please Note:

  • All assignments are compulsory.
  • The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus if necessary; any changes will be made in consultation with students and school administration.